The Important Questions

If you're new here, check out my first post: Twas the Night Before Braces...

Dear Journal (and Journal Readers)

Well some of you be wondering,  

"how in the world did that girl punch herself in the mouth?!"

Here's the story.....
One day earlier in the week, we were going somewhere and I had to get my little brother's shoes. I was running to the porch and then


I punched myself right in the mouth!  That huuurrrt.
But I put on the strong face and grabbed Clay's shoes and walked (not ran.. walked) to the car and said "Mama, I just punched my mouth!"

And what did she say?  "It's gonna be fine, get in!" She always says everything is going to be fine. So that's the end of my story..... well, folks if you wanted to know it, there it is. They keep saying they should have named me Grace. Whatever that means...

More questions: 
Do I write this myself? 
Yes.  My final draft looks like this one, but my first draft is full of misspelled words and not as much punctuation. I'm a 10 year old 5th grader. I'm not in middle school, yet!  
So, I turn it in to my teacher (MOM!) and she helps me fix it.  She leaves my ideas and sometimes she says she thinks I should tell more about something or to think of a different way to say something. Then, we go over how to spell everything I spelled wrong and she even tells me how to use special texts like italics!  Then, she copies and pastes my journal entry onto my blog! 

Am I eating?
Yeah! I'm sure not starving! I do miss all of the things I cannot have.  It's weird how much I think about those things... even when I never used to eat them!  Ice has made me the saddest.  I never crunched ice before, but now... I NEED TO CRUNCH THE ICE!  But...I'm not.  I'm not doing it. 

So, what's up with my metal mouth?
Day 4 and I don't have much pain.  I've used some wax once and it definitely worked! 

The little ball of wax covered up the bracket on the side and kept it from irritating my cheek.  I only had to do that once!  Other than that one time, I haven't had to use wax (and haven't punched myself in the face)!
It's a little work keeping my teeth and braces clean, but I sure don't want polka dotted teeth! 
Ms. LaKosha said that if you don't keep them clean, where the glue is will be shiny and white and everywhere else... WON'T BE!  I like dots, just not on my teeth!
If you have any more questions, please contact me!  Thank you for checking out my blog!  Stay tuned for more posts about this metal mouth! 

Check out my new post: Snacks for Later


  1. I'm SO impressed! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us. And for what it's worth, I happen to think you are the cutest and smartest metal mouth in ALL of the South! Keep up the great work!!

    1. Thank you! I'm really enjoying keeping a journal.

  2. Thanks for sharing, I wore braces a long time ago and yes they are work but if you do the work now you will have great results later. So enjoy this journey

    1. Thank you! I'm enjoying it--it's not as painful or as hard as I thought it would be.

  3. My 12 year old daughter is contemplating getting braces. I can't wait for her to read your blog, I'm sure it'll make her feel much better!
